Braden Marine Inc.

Braden Marine is a Canadian company, founded in 1994 by Tony Brain and Neil Dennis to provide Average Adjusting and marine claim consultancy services. Prior to forming Braden Marine, both founding members gained considerable experience in Average Adjusting, mainly in the United Kingdom and Canada. In 2001, Greg O’Brien joined Braden Marine after having worked for many years with a Canadian shipowner.

A tradition of trust and respect which Braden Marine developed at its early beginnings still continues to this day. For over 40 years, domestically and internationally, the principals of Braden Marine have been employed in settling claims on marine insurance policies for vessels, cargo, shipbuilding and repair, as well as business interruption and other marine-related claims.

Average Adjusting

The first association of Average Adjusters was founded in the United Kingdom in 1869. Today, the major independent associations are in Europe and North America. These Associations regulate the qualification and certification of their professional members and are governed by their national Rules of Practice applicable to their Adjustment of various types of marine claims. On a worldwide basis, there are approximately 150 fully-qualified Average Adjusters.

In Canada, there are currently 11 full members of the Canadian Association of Average Adjusters. Braden Marine has two fully qualified Average Adjusters providing an independent and impartial opinion on the claims which may result from a marine casualty. Our services are available to anyone with an interest in a marine adventure, whether a ship or cargo owner, insurer, broker, lawyer, shipbuilder, etc.


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