In addition to traditional insurance claims-related activity on behalf of the assured or insurers, Braden Marine offers consultancy services in the following areas:

Risk management

Braden Marine has adjusted a wide range of marine insurance claims for loss or physical damage to vessels, liability, business interruption and other claims giving us the ability to provide guidance to shipowners and their insurance advisers to manage these risks. We are not insurance brokers and do not place insurance coverage; however based on our broad experience, we can provide unbiased recommendations concerning improvements in wording, selection of appropriate clauses, levels of primary and aggregate deductibles and other insurance matters.

Claims Help

Where a claims or financial department within a Broker's, Insurer's, Mortgagee's or Owner's office requires a back-log of claims to be cleared or short term day-to-day assistance during staff shortages, Braden Marine is able to assist by providing on site help for this and any other specific claims or potential claims concerns which may arise.


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