8. Do Average Adjusters do anything other than General Average?

The Adjustment of General Average (GA) is an important area of practice, but instances of GA are less and less frequent, and currently form a relatively minor part of overall practice. GA is an internationally recognized system of dealing with the apportionment of the losses and extraordinary expenditures incurred when taken for the benefit of all in time of peril, and Braden Marine has extensive experienced in the rules and procedures that apply and the collection of security from the various parties.

It is a common misconception that Average Adjusters deal only with cases of General Average. In fact a more representative list of the types of marine insurance cases that Braden Marine frequently deals with would include:

- hull & machinery claims
- cargo claims
- claims for loss of revenue
- claims related to policies on shipbuilders' risks and shiprepairers’ liabilities
- salvage and collision liability


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